Friday, January 21, 2011

I can not stress this enough!

 I few little hints i have figured and learned in the last few day's it may or may not help you

  1.  Put description's on your products! 
  2.  Use appropriate keywords! If your product is about dog's don't put a keyword as a famous musician.
  3. Make design's about events they sell fast!
  4. If your low on money try finding free or very cheap advertising; if you have some money laying around sign up for advertising with Google!
  5. With some money i have made from Cafepress i have reinvested in advertising so far it's going okay i recommend you try it.
  6. Make designs you would buy!
  7. Patience is a virtue
  8. Update your store often with new designs! 
Sorry guy's that's all i have for this post.

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